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Quality Policy Statement

HSEQ Policies
Quality policy statement
BaderOya Oilfield Services and Energy (BOS) specializes in EPC projects, design, Construction, procurement, Operations and Maintenance, Energy services, Manpower Supply, New Pipelines, Trunk Line, Oil Tanks, and Infrastructure for Oil and Gas Sector. The nature of the BOS’s activities places particular emphasis on experience, expertise, capability, performance, lately, reliability and quality.
BOS’s commitment to reduce the potential effect of product and service a ‘quality first’ approach will be in conformity and compliance with all applicable national and international laws and aligned to QHSE IMS policy.
Top Management objective is to provide products and services in a manner which conforms to customers contractual expectation, requirements. To achieve this objective, BOS is to operate and conduct its business process by establishing and implement an effective and efficient Quality Management System (QMS) to assure, control, measure against, and utilize to maintain its quality image. The QMS is based upon the requirements of ISO 9001:2015. BOS Top Management shall ensure that all personnel are fully conversant with the BOS objectives through an ongoing education and training program for personnel at all levels.
The BOS is committed to understand Customer’s expectations and managing the business processes to achieve high quality of Services and Products utilizing the following principles and commitments:
- The assurance of quality is fundamental to all work undertaken by BOS is practiced by all employees in their dally activities.
- Quality is enhanced by working in systematic method to formalized procedures designed to eliminate the occurrence of deficiencies.
- To promote uniformity of working methods throughout, certain procedures that shall be always implemented without unauthorized deviation.
- It shall be the responsibility of individual to compile and implement these procedures, integrate their requirements into their regular working methods and ensure that all such methods are clearly defined and documented.
- The Top management of BOS shall regularly review the QMS to ensure its continuing suitability and effectiveness. The results of all such reviews shall be recorded including details of the review findings, its conclusion, and any recommendations, which shall be submitted to Top management who shall have the responsibility for the implementation of any system change.
- It shall be the responsibility of the QHSE and Risk Manger function to monitor through regular audit the QMS to verify the ongoing application of the necessary systems and procedures.
Any amendments to this policy resulting from annual reviews, is to be widespread and well introduced to all interested parties including employees, contractors, and available, on request.
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BaderOya 2023
Let’s join hands, for a better future
As we move forward into the future of the Libyan Oil & Gas sector, we remain steadfast in our commitment to enhance human lives by creating lasting values for all our stakeholders. So, whether you are seeking support on a new project, looking to improve operations, or interested in understanding how we can assist you further, please reach out to us anytime. Thank you for considering BaderOya Oilfield Services & Energy, if you have any inquiry then kindly reach us through +218-21-3513003.